



Dr. Jeffrey Vogel

English 70

Critical Thinking, Reading & Writing

Hello and welcome to English 70!

This is a UC/CSU (Cal-GETC Area 1B) trasfeRable course designed to further develop and enrich your reading, writing, & thinking skills to impact all your college coursework.

However, my underlying goal is to challenge you to become a more informed Citizen so that you, as an advanced reader and thinker, can take advantage of the thousands of opportunities you will be given over your lifetime.

I look forward to a great semester with you!




English 70 is designed for students from all academic disciplines who seek to develop logical thinking, critical reading, and argumentative writing skills. This class is highly beneficial for STEM, Nursing, and Business majors because we focus on cogent thinking, sequential analysis, critical reasoning, and problem solving all through the lens of important issues. Emphasis is also placed on developing college-level skills with information literacy, research strategies, and proper MLA documentation. In short, this class is a catalyst for success in college and life.

Course Goals

“People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.” — Earl Nightingale

When you’ve completed English 70, you will be able to:

  • Formulate a well-supported persuasive argument
  • Identify and evaluate evidence and support an author’s conclusion
  • Recognize and identify reasoning fallacies in an argumentative reading selection
  • Recognize a benefit to your comprehension & critical thinking skills
  • Support a conclusion with reasons and evidence and address refutation
  • Adhere to the conventions of standard written English in accordance with MLA style


Please take your education seriously. This class will be of great benefit to your life with the proper commitment of time and hard work. Help is found from your professor, peers, Canvas, and the library staff. I encourage you to take advantage of these other Saddleback College resources that also ensure success:

  • If you have a disability you are encouraged to contact Student Services at (949) 582-4885. They will help determine what assistance is available for you.

  • Utilize Tutoring for any subject (including math!) on the second floor of the LRC. Services are free.

  • The following Saddleback College websites are helpful for basic needs:

Student Support/CARE

Tech Support

Veterans Outreach

Success Beyond Our Class

I want you to succeed with your college education, but more importantly I want you to succeed in life. The book Outliers reminds us that extreme success happens when you invest 10,000 hours into your passion (e.g. Bill Gates). The flip side? Your first attempts will be awful. And you will struggle for a long time. But stay the course because on the other side is an amazing life. Why do so few people reach their potential? Denzel Washington explains the power of focus and perseverance so you can reach yours.

Work smart,

work hard!